Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sauerkraut Ice Cubes!

My friend, Cindy, wrote to me asking my opinion.

She said:

I have been a little too over zealous with fermenting and have MANY jars

in the refrigerator. I don't always have time to eat them so I took my fermented

vegetables and ran them through my hand juicer and use it as a

drink. Do you think the resulting juice could be frozen into ice cubes?

I told her I thought it was a great idea especially since the probiotics and enzymes will probably not be harmed by the freezing. She thought she might drop some of the kraut cubes into some veggie juice. I think that's also a great idea. Get the benefits of the raw veggie juice plus a dash of fermented benefits!

Then my mind raced towards this:

Imagine a Bloody Mary with a couple of sauerkraut ice cubes...Wow!


funkiefoodie said...

Love your blog title and your post. This is what I describe as esoteric foods. Great garnish for a spicy cocktail indeed! thanks LA.

Gluten Free Sourdough Baker said...

Hi Powderate,
Thanks for your comment and "esoteric foods" description. I have some other unusual usage of foods. Slowly getting them posted.
Thanks for reading!